Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Malawi: Day 30

Hello Everyone! 

Thanks for coming to read my blog :)

I'm not really sure what you are supposed to say on one of these, so I decided I am just going to write about my day, post some pictures, share prayer requests, scripture verses or anything else that comes to mind! 

Right now it is 3:20 p.m. here in Malawi which means it is 9:30 a.m. EST where you are in the States. I actually left work on time today for the first time since school started on the 17th so I am taking advantage of the down time to update you! 

For me, a typical day in Malawi begins at 6:15 a.m. when my alarm goes off much earlier than I'd like! Thankfully, after 4 years of college I've learned to strategically place my alarm clock on the opposite side of my room to force me out of bed to turn it off. If I do this I usually have a good chance of making it to school on time! 

Good thing school is only about a 5 minute walk from my house :) 

So, every morning on my way to school I'm responsible for unlocking the computer lab and individually turn on all the computers by 7:00 a.m. then every afternoon at 1:30 p.m. I must lock up and individually shut them down. How I got put in charge of this? I have no idea. 

Most of the day I am pretty much stuck in my office invoicing students, collecting payments, writing receipts, paying bills, responding to emails, etc. The only time you won't fine me doing that is when our electricity shuts off for 3-4 hours in the morning. My first week of training I thought it was amusing, but now that I know it literally happens everyday I get really frustrated especially because most of what I do requires a computer. The good news is Paul Chinchen (President of African Bible Colleges) announced during orientation that there are plans underway to have the school hooked up to a generator within the next 2 months! I am praying it happens. Life would be so much less complicated!

This week I began math tutoring for high school students. What a nightmare! I couldn't believe how much I'd forgotten. It was pretty humiliating when I struggled to focus and figure out a simple Algebra 2 word problem! After that I didn't want to go back, but it was fun getting to know the older kids and getting out of my office. Next week, afternoon activities will begin which means I'll be busy after school teaching the younger kids how to play net ball....which might be a problem considering how I have no clue how to play the game! After Christmas I get to teach them volleyball :)

Almost everyday this past month I've been playing tennis after work. We are really fortunate to have a nice tennis court on campus so I like to take advantage of it as much as I can. After tennis either one of my roommates or I will cook dinner for the 3 of us and we will eat together around our dining room table. We have to force ourselves to sit at the table or else we all end up standing in the kitchen to eat. Don't ask why!

Living on a campus like this makes me feel as if I'm still in college. There is always some kind of activity going on no matter what time of day. Monday night there was a pickup volleyball game: ABC staff versus the boys college team. It was a lot of fun especially since we creamed 'em! Tuesday night has been designated singles night. There are about 10 of us living here on campus, so we decided it'd be a good idea for all of us to get together for dinner, dessert and games once a week. We have so much fun! I look forward to it every week. Wednesday nights we will normally have Bible study, but it won't start until next week. Thursday seems to be our night off and then there is potluck on Friday. Every weekend is different. The past two Saturday's we've gone to Lake Malawi for the day. If you've never heard of Lake Malawi it's HUGE. I read somewhere it is 350 miles long, 40 miles wide and 2,000 feet deep in some spots! Even on a bright sunny day you can't see the other side. It looks just like an ocean...sand, waves and everything! Last week I learned to play cricket while we were there. One of the Australian's taught all of us how. It was great! So far I have spent every Sunday visiting different churches in the area. There is one here on campus called IBF (International Bible Fellowship). Out of all the churches so far this one reminds me the most of my home church, Providence Presbyterian. My other favorite is called Flood. The church was planted here in Malawi by Flood San Diego in CA. Their goal is to plant churches in third world countries all over. The one in Malawi has really taken off and is one of their fastest growing.

Well, I've got to go for now!

Until next time.



  1. Amanda,

    Yay starting a blog was such a good idea! Ashley got here yesterday and it's weird to think that you are in Africa still with her family.

    I love and miss you so much. I'm so proud of you and what you're doing!


  2. A:)
    What a trip trying to post a comment on your blog spot. NO wonder you only have one to date. I finally figured it out by starting a gmail account.
    It is great to hear about your day. It sounds as though you are adapting to your new life in Malawi without missing a beat. I knew you would!! Look forward to your next post. We are delighted that God has provided this opportunity for you to serve Him and use your abilities for His kingdom service.

    Our days are filled with the usual. Work, eat sleep... you know the routine. But North Carolina is right around the corner. A week on the beach always does your mom and dad good.

    Can't believe a month has already passed since you left home. Be careful in the market and around the villages. We pray for your safety everyday. Lots of folks asking about your duties and life at the college. Keep us informed.
    Love you

  3. i miss you my friend! stay safe, you are in my prayers.

  4. I tried to become a follower of your blog. But when I clicked on "follow", it said "the web page cannot be found". It did the same when I tried to become a follower of Whitney's yesterday. It could just be me...

  5. Perfect update! I love hearing about your life day-by-day. Praying you feel truly at home and find a church soon.
