I don't know how many of you heard but the trip I was planning to Livingstone, Zambia last week was cancelled. Trust me, I was pretty disappointed about it but there wasn't much I could do. Last time I wrote I had just bought my bus ticket...well, two days later - the day before I was supposed to leave - the guy I bought the ticket from called to say the bus to Lusaka was leaving early Friday morning instead of Saturday, which we couldn't do since school was still in session! UGH. Only in Africa would they just decide to change the bus route the day before! It was extremely frustrating. Well, I was determined to go to Vic Falls for the break so I looked up flights, rental cars, and mini bus costs but everything I could think of was going to cost more than I had saved.
So, instead I spent the week exploring Lilongwe a little more. On Friday night a small group of us ate out at a restaurant called Buchanan's to celebrate our 5 days of freedom. All the girls were excited about getting somewhat dressed up for the first time since arriving here! The restaurant has an outside patio overlooking a small pond where there live millions of mosquitos and a couple bull frogs. The mosquitos were eating me alive and the bull frogs were SO LOUD! My ears were ringing by the time we left. Five out seven of us ordered the bacon cheeseburger - all Americans, of course! (You'd be proud, it wasn't me dad!)
Saturday we took a day trip to the northern part of Lake Malawi, Salima (one hour drive)- I think I've mentioned it before. Sunday after church is usually the only time I can go grocery shopping but since I had the week off I decided to organize a pick up volleyball game for anyone that wanted to play. I asked my team after our game on Thursday what time would be good for them to come play since I was having the game for them. They said 2:30 so naturally that is when I told everyone else to be there. Well, all the Americans came at 2:30 - four people. Two out of the four had never played volleyball before. Awesome, not much I can do with that. Finally, around 3:00 the captain of the volleyball team wandered out to the court assuring me the other guys were coming "just now".
[Side note: Maybe it's just me but doesn't "just now" sound like it literally means "right now"? Don't be fooled by this - it doesn't mean that in Africa! "Just now" means "in a little while" (?) which makes the phrase "now now" mean "right now". Weird. I don't understand this at all. It makes no sense and my housemate, Cara (the South African) says it all the time! Drives me crazy!]
Anyway, back to the volleyball situation. The whole thing felt like a disaster and I just wanted to call it off. I was really annoyed that barely anyone form the team had come and I was dying to just call the game quits, but I felt bad for everyone that had come. Finally, at 4:30 we had enough players to actually play a decent game - 4:30!? Remember that when you come to live in Africa...2:30 = 4:30, we call it running on African Time. Coming from an extremely time oriented culture, let's just say it's been a little difficult adjusting.
I was called into the office a couple times over the course of the week which I was NOT happy about : / I tried to hide my annoyance but I know I did an awful job of it! I knew the guys couldn't really help it because they needed the money to finish a house for Tyler, our new PE teacher from the States but I couldn't bring myself to be very pleasant.
It's time for Bible study so I better go.
Goodnight all!